Phuket Island Property Services Co., Ltd. is a commercial company registered with the Commercial Department of Thailand. The registration number is 0835541003400.
PIPS follow an agreed code of conduct or "Company Rules" that are registered with the Phuket Department of Labor.
All positions advertised, unless otherwise indicated, are for Thai nationals only. PIPS do not employ any alien or illegal labor.
PIPS provide an element of service charge as part of their rental operations. This money is set aside for staff on a monthly basis and paid as part of each employee salary depending on day sick, vacation or absence during the relevant month. PIPS management retain 10% of service charge collected each month which is used to offset any damage of breakage not identified by staff members that results in PIPS having to repair or replace the damaged or broken items. The balance of this money is paid to staff in November each year.
Standard benefits provided by PIPS to their staff. * Some benefits may only apply to certain positions: